Sun Life Web Illustration Outage
The web version of Sun Life Illustrations will be out of service Thursday September 29 after 9 PM EST. It will be out of service until about 3:00 AM EST. During this outage, you will not be able to use a saved illustration to pre-fill a Sun eApp on the web. You will also not be able update the premium for the insurance products within a Sun eApp on the web.Register for Compliance Connections April 8 & 9
The regulatory landscape for financial advisors is evolving faster than ever. Are you keeping up? Join us online for Compliance Connections, a two-day live online event designed to provide you valuable insights into today's dynamic compliance landscape so that you can feel confident #NavigatingTheSpeedOfChange.
Resource Room
Resource Room
Increase productivity and revenue with this collection of tools available to HUB advisors.
Login to HUBLink Become a HUB AdvisorResource Room
Increase productivity and revenue with this collection of tools available to HUB advisors.
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Become a HUB Advisor
Prospect Planning
These tools will assist you with navigating through your client’s insurance and financial objectives, circumstances, and risk tolerances as you build a relationship with them.

Life Needs Analysis
A calculator that helps determine the appropriate amount of coverage Life Insurance needed for your client.
Access on HUBLink
Know-Your-Client Forms for Seg Funds. (Optional Use)
Learn about your client’s personal circumstances, objectives, risk tolerance to help make suitable investment recommendations.
Access on HUBLink

Investor Profile Questionnaire
The perfect tool to use when opening a new account or reviewing an existing accounts. This questionnaire helps determine a client’s investor profile based on their goals, expectations, financial circumstances, and willingness or ability to withstand volatility.
Access on HUBLink
CI Needs Analysis
A calculator that helps determine the appropriate amount of coverage Critical Illness Insurance needed for your client.
Access on HUBLink

DI Needs Analysis
A calculator that helps determine the appropriate amount of coverage Disability Illness Insurance needed for your client.
Access on HUBLink
Helps you better communicate with your prospects and simplifies the introduction stage of the sales process by providing you with an all-in-one platform to share with clients for the purpose of filling out intake forms, scheduling meetings, collecting documents, and sharing updates.
Access on HUBLink

FlexSave Proposal Calculator
Use the HUB FlexSave proposal tool to show your incorporated business owners how a FlexSave account can provide them with an effective and cost efficient solution for employee benefits. This calculator allows you to generate several account options so clients can compare costs. Show your clients how they can save money over budget if all benefit allocations are not used in a given year.
Please login to HUBLink to view this tool.
Access on HUBLinkComparison Corner
These comparison tools will help you provide your clients with the best rates and plans that work for their financial needs and objectives.

Generate product comparisons for single life, joint life, combined billing and multi life from all major Canadian insurance companies.
Access on HUBLink
Carrier Software
These web-based and downloadable insurance carrier software, allow you to create illustrations and compare insurance products and prices available at each individual insurance company.
Access on HUBLink

Compare premiums and values for individual, joint first to die, joint last to die, combined billing discounts, as well as brokerage oriented cost-optimizations. HUB Advisors get a $100 annual discount on this subscription based software.
Access on HUBLink
This Income Annuity Survey provides you with comprehensive quotes and illustrations for annuities.
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Daily GIC Rates
These rate charts showcase current GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate) and GIA (Guaranteed Investment Account) interest rates for issuers contracted with HUB Capital Inc. and HUB Financial Inc.
Access on HUBLink
Presentation Station
These tools will help you create visually appealing and simplified presentations to showcase the different solutions available for your client.
RazorPlan is a financial planning software that takes key client information and using innovative algorithms, run intuitive calculations that allow you to quickly analyze a clients financial risk management needs while helping them understand the importance of your recommendations through the use of client friendly reports.
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Life Design Analysis
Life Design Analysis's insurance management software is created for those who want to save time and increase sales. LDA searches and compares life insurance policies across all major providers, creating an advisor branded visual presentation that helps clients understand their options and makes their purchase decision easier.
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FlexSave Proposal Calculator
Use the HUB FlexSave proposal tool to show your incorporated business owners how a FlexSave account can provide them with an effective and cost efficient solution for employee benefits. This calculator allows you to generate several account options so clients can compare costs. Show your clients how they can save money over budget if all benefit allocations are not used in a given year.
Please login to HUBLink to view this tool.
Access on HUBLink
HUB and CapIntel have partnered up to bring you compelling, branded investment proposals to use in your sales process. With CapIntel, you can illustrate portfolio analytics and compare client or prospect holdings with models or custom portfolios to increase client engagement.
Request an Illustration
Business Builder
These tools will help you bring your business to the next level by providing you with new strategies, expert support, and licenses you need to enhance your practice.
Masterworks Professional Advisor Training
Masterworks Professional Advisor Training (MPAT) helps independent advisors establish, grow, and protect their business by providing them with new sales strategies, marketing techniques, client-facing forms and presentation material, as well as so much more. With a variety of courses, there is sure to be training that is tailored to help turn your weaknesses into strengths.
Access on HUBLink
ACES (Advanced Case & Estate Solutions Group)
Supports advisors of all levels when dealing with larger and more complex situations. The expertise of the ACES group members can provide information in all areas including: simple questions of a technical business or estate planning nature, assistance with product/supplier selection in concert with problem identification, solution development and final implementation.
Access on HUBLink

HUBs Succession Platform - FindBob
FindBob is a marketplace that helps advisors discover opportunities within network and empowers the enterprise with a transition management operating system that predicts and prevents attrition. This tool creates a smooth and consistent experience for your clients.
Access on HUBLink
CE OnDemand
Obtain CE Credits quickly by watching webinar replays on-demand and passing a quiz. CE Credit certificates are automatically created and sent directly to your email once you pass the course.
Access on HUBLink

Referral Programs
Get exclusive access to various solutions provided by HUB Partners that supplement what you can offer through your HUB Capital and HUB Financial licensing.
Access on HUBLink
Tech Stack
These tools are used to help you build a digital presence as well as provide you with technology to enhance your practice and build your clientele.
FlexSave Digital Application
Streamline the application process for our FlexSave PHSP (Health Spending Account) using our new online application system to submit applications online, simplify your process, and significantly reduce turn around time and work involved in setting up new accounts.
Access on HUBLink

White Label Digital Marketing
These social media images and customizable email templates are used to help you attract new clients and start conversations with existing clients as well. With a large library of insurance, investment, and employee benefits content, you will be sure to find material that will suit your business goals.
Access on HUBLink
Customized Advisor Webpage
Are you looking for a professional way to market yourself online? Get a customized webpage from HUB. Whether or not you already have branding, this white label digital solution can help you create new leads and build trust for your services.
Access on HUBLink

Assumption Life Digital Market Place
Assumption Life’s Digital Marketplace is a customizable online sales website called a Storefront, that is shared to reach more customers, and have clients submit their application quickly and easily. Advisors can create multiple Storefronts to focus on specific products and clients they would like to connect with.
Access on HUBLink
Nest Wealth provides you with a digital wealth solution, aka Robo Advisor solution, for savings and retirement. Nest Wealth gives you the tool to start adding potential clients to your book without taking on the administration or compliance work. As your clients grow with you and their small savings turns into larger amounts you decide when it becomes worth your time and effort to start managing their investments. This is also a great solution for high net worth and affluent clients that are looking for lower fees.
Access on HUBLink

NPC DataGuard
NPC (No Panic Computing) provides you with computing solutions, improved productivity, security, and support, which combine perfectly with Microsoft Office 365 to provide a more secure and complete computing experience with the added benefits of fully managed and supported devices. Protect yourself from ransomware and other cyber-attacks.
Access on HUBLink
North Shore Digital
North Shore Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency who specialize in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google Ads in the financial services industry. As a financial services marketing agency, North Shore Digital has run campaigns for wealth management, life insurance, health benefits, and other insurance companies.
Access on HUBLink

HUB Capital Hootsuite Amplify Social Media Library
This exclusive offer for HUB Capital Advisors provides you with access to a Hootsuite Amplify account, paid for by HUB, so you can easily use social media for HUB Capital purposes and growing your business. This pre-approved content can be posted directly to any social media platform with the click of a button.
Access on HUBLink
Math Lab
These calculators will assist your clients in planning their next financial moves as well as paint a picture of their overall finances for the future

Financial Planning
Calculators to help your clients get an understanding of their overall financial picture.
Calculators include
- Cash Flow
- Mortgage Loan/Payment
- Net Worth
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Retirement Planning
Calculators to help paint a picture of how much money your clients will receive when they retire and how secure their financial future is.
Calculators include:
- Retirement Calculator
- How Long Will the Money Last
- RRIF Payment
- LIF Payment
- RRSP Tax Saving
Access on HUBLink

Calculators to forecast how your client’s money will grow and what they need to do to reach their financial goals.
Calculators include:
- Savings Growth
- Savings to Reach a Goal
Access on HUBLink
Calculators to determine the amount of Insurance coverage needed to protect your clients.
Calculators include:
- Life Needs Analysis
- CI Needs Analysis
- DI Needs Analysis
Access on HUBLink

Education Planning
A calculator to showcase how saving for education can help your client’s in the long run.
Calculators include:
- RESP Tax Saving
Access on HUBLink
Compliance Centre
These tools will help you stay compliant with regulatory requirements in the insurance and investment industry.

Client File Tools - Insurance
These documents and templates will simplify your ability to stay compliant as well as keep you up to date with any changes or updates your client files may require.
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Client File Tools - Investments
These documents and templates will simplify your ability to stay compliant as well as keep you up to date with any changes or updates your client files may require.
Access on HUBLink

Advisor Disclosure
It is the advisor’s responsibility to provide a disclosure document to every client or prospect prior to the signing of an application. These resources will provide you with the correct material and approach in providing disclosure.
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Client Consent
When collecting information from clients and prospects, advisors must be prepared to explain the purposes for which they are collecting this information. These resources will help you record the authorization and consent from your clients.
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Needs-Based Selling
HUB advisors are required to ensure that their recommended product or services are appropriate. The needs of the client are determined by a needs-based assessment done by the advisor and/or identified by the client’s information. These resources will help highlight that your sales practices are consistent with the requirement that your recommendations fit your client’s needs.
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Policy Replacement
This guide will breakdown the details behind a policy replacement as well as provides you with resources to help implement a policy replacement.
Access on HUBLink

"Reasons Why" Letter
A “Reasons Why” letter is a summary of the client’s stated wishes, the advice provided to the client by the advisor, and a summary of why the product meets the client’s needs. These templates and samples will help you create your own letter to send to your clients.
Access on HUBLink
Privacy Program
Every advisor must live up to their responsibilities under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). These guides and resources outline your responsibilities under the act.
Access on HUBLink

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Anti-Terrorist Financing (ATF)
Every advisor must ensure they are aware of and comply with their obligations under the AML Regulations. These resources provide you with what you need to know about Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Anti-Terrorist Financing (ATF) in order to stay up-to-date and prepared in the event you are audited by FINTRAC.
Access on HUBLink
Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) & National Do Not Call List (DNCL)
Every advisor must ensure that they are aware of and comply with rules and obligations under Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation and the National Do Not Call List. This tool provides you with the guidelines needed to adhere by both initiatives.
Access on HUBLink

HUB Capital Mutual Fund Dealership

In this competitive industry, the advantage you hold as an independent advisor is the uniqueness of your practice. HUB Capital is where independent Advisors grow their businesses and have the freedom to choose the mutual fund solutions that best suit their clients’ needs. We give you the ability to consolidate your insurance and mutual fund business under one roof allowing you to streamline your business and focus on growing it. Advisors choose HUB Capital because we provide multiple tools, resources and support that you need to succeed in achieving your goals.
Learn about HUB Capital Inc.Mergers and Acquisitions
We are looking to partner with successful advisors and consultants who want to grow with us
Learn More-
HUB International Rate Report The HUB International 2025 North American Outlook
Comparison Corner
These comparison tools will help you provide your clients with the best rates and plans that work for their financial needs and objectives.

Generate product comparisons for single life, joint life, combined billing and multi life from all major Canadian insurance companies.
Access on HUBLink
Carrier Software
These web-based and downloadable insurance carrier software, allow you to create illustrations and compare insurance products and prices available at each individual insurance company.
Access on HUBLink

Compare premiums and values for individual, joint first to die, joint last to die, combined billing discounts, as well as brokerage oriented cost-optimizations. HUB Advisors get a $100 annual discount on this subscription based software.
Access on HUBLink
This Income Annuity Survey provides you with comprehensive quotes and illustrations for annuities.
Access on HUBLink
Daily GIC Rates
These rate charts showcase current GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate) and GIA (Guaranteed Investment Account) interest rates for issuers contracted with HUB Capital Inc. and HUB Financial Inc.
Access on HUBLink
Presentation Station
These tools will help you create visually appealing and simplified presentations to showcase the different solutions available for your client.
RazorPlan is a financial planning software that takes key client information and using innovative algorithms, run intuitive calculations that allow you to quickly analyze a clients financial risk management needs while helping them understand the importance of your recommendations through the use of client friendly reports.
Access on HUBLink

PROPEL Powered by LDA
Propel is available exclusively to HUB Advisors. This software tool provides access to your clients in-force policy information across multiple carriers. It will improve efficiency in managing your in-force business, allow you to easily identify new opportunities within your existing book of business, and deliver customized, professional presentations for your clients.
Access on HUBLinkFlexSave Proposal Calculator
Use the HUB FlexSave proposal tool to show your incorporated business owners how a FlexSave account can provide them with an effective and cost efficient solution for employee benefits. This calculator allows you to generate several account options so clients can compare costs. Show your clients how they can save money over budget if all benefit allocations are not used in a given year.
Please login to HUBLink to view this tool.
Access on HUBLink
HUB and CapIntel have partnered up to bring you compelling, branded investment proposals to use in your sales process. With CapIntel, you can illustrate portfolio analytics and compare client or prospect holdings with models or custom portfolios to increase client engagement.
Request an IllustrationProspect Planning
These tools will assist you with navigating through your client’s insurance and financial objectives, circumstances, and risk tolerances as you build a relationship with them.

Life Needs Analysis
A calculator that helps determine the appropriate amount of coverage Life Insurance needed for your client.
Access on HUBLink
Know-Your-Client Forms for Seg Funds. (Optional Use)
Learn about your client’s personal circumstances, objectives, risk tolerance to help make suitable investment recommendations.
Access on HUBLink

Investor Profile Questionnaire
The perfect tool to use when opening a new account or reviewing an existing accounts. This questionnaire helps determine a client’s investor profile based on their goals, expectations, financial circumstances, and willingness or ability to withstand volatility.
Access on HUBLink
CI Needs Analysis
A calculator that helps determine the appropriate amount of coverage Critical Illness Insurance needed for your client.
Access on HUBLink

DI Needs Analysis
A calculator that helps determine the appropriate amount of coverage Disability Illness Insurance needed for your client.
Access on HUBLink
Helps you better communicate with your prospects and simplifies the introduction stage of the sales process by providing you with an all-in-one platform to share with clients for the purpose of filling out intake forms, scheduling meetings, collecting documents, and sharing updates.
Access on HUBLink

FlexSave Proposal Calculator
Use the HUB FlexSave proposal tool to show your incorporated business owners how a FlexSave account can provide them with an effective and cost efficient solution for employee benefits. This calculator allows you to generate several account options so clients can compare costs. Show your clients how they can save money over budget if all benefit allocations are not used in a given year.
Please login to HUBLink to view this tool.
Access on HUBLinkBusiness Builder
These tools will help you bring your business to the next level by providing you with new strategies, expert support, and licenses you need to enhance your practice.
Masterworks Professional Advisor Training
Masterworks Professional Advisor Training (MPAT) helps independent advisors establish, grow, and protect their business by providing them with new sales strategies, marketing techniques, client-facing forms and presentation material, as well as so much more. With a variety of courses, there is sure to be training that is tailored to help turn your weaknesses into strengths.
Access on HUBLink
ACES (Advanced Case & Estate Solutions Group)
Supports advisors of all levels when dealing with larger and more complex situations. The expertise of the ACES group members can provide information in all areas including: simple questions of a technical business or estate planning nature, assistance with product/supplier selection in concert with problem identification, solution development and final implementation.
Access on HUBLink

HUBs Succession Platform - FindBob
FindBob is a marketplace that helps advisors discover opportunities within network and empowers the enterprise with a transition management operating system that predicts and prevents attrition. This tool creates a smooth and consistent experience for your clients.
Access on HUBLink
CE OnDemand
Obtain CE Credits quickly by watching webinar replays on-demand and passing a quiz. CE Credit certificates are automatically created and sent directly to your email once you pass the course.
Access on HUBLink

Referral Programs
Get exclusive access to various solutions provided by HUB Partners that supplement what you can offer through your HUB Capital and HUB Financial licensing.
Access on HUBLink
Business Builder
These tools will help you bring your business to the next level by providing you with new strategies, expert support, and licenses you need to enhance your practice.
Masterworks Professional Advisor Training
Masterworks Professional Advisor Training (MPAT) helps independent advisors establish, grow, and protect their business by providing them with new sales strategies, marketing techniques, client-facing forms and presentation material, as well as so much more. With a variety of courses, there is sure to be training that is tailored to help turn your weaknesses into strengths.
Access on HUBLink
ACES (Advanced Case & Estate Solutions Group)
Supports advisors of all levels when dealing with larger and more complex situations. The expertise of the ACES group members can provide information in all areas including: simple questions of a technical business or estate planning nature, assistance with product/supplier selection in concert with problem identification, solution development and final implementation.
Access on HUBLink

HUBs Succession Platform - FindBob
FindBob is a marketplace that helps advisors discover opportunities within network and empowers the enterprise with a transition management operating system that predicts and prevents attrition. This tool creates a smooth and consistent experience for your clients.
Access on HUBLink
CE OnDemand
Obtain CE Credits quickly by watching webinar replays on-demand and passing a quiz. CE Credit certificates are automatically created and sent directly to your email once you pass the course.
Access on HUBLink

Referral Programs
Get exclusive access to various solutions provided by HUB Partners that supplement what you can offer through your HUB Capital and HUB Financial licensing.
Access on HUBLink
Tech Stack
These tools are used to help you build a digital presence as well as provide you with technology to enhance your practice and build your clientele.
FlexSave Digital Application
Streamline your application process for our FlexSave PHSP (Health Spending Account) using our new online application system. Submit new applications online, simplify your process and significantly reduce the turn around time and work involved in setting up new accounts.
Access on HUBLink

White Label Digital Marketing
These social media images and customizable email templates are used to help you attract new clients and start conversations with existing clients as well. With a large library of insurance, investment, and employee benefits content, you will be sure to find material that will suit your business goals.
Access on HUBLink
Customized Advisor Webpage
Are you looking for a professional way to market yourself online? Get a customized webpage from HUB. Whether or not you already have branding, this white label digital solution can help you create new leads and build trust for your services.
Access on HUBLink

Assumption Life Digital Market Place
Assumption Life’s Digital Marketplace is a customizable online sales website called a Storefront, that is shared to reach more customers, and have clients submit their application quickly and easily. Advisors can create multiple Storefronts to focus on specific products and clients they would like to connect with.
Access on HUBLink
Nest Wealth provides you with a digital wealth solution, aka Robo Advisor solution, for savings and retirement. Nest Wealth gives you the tool to start adding potential clients to your book without taking on the administration or compliance work. As your clients grow with you and their small savings turns into larger amounts you decide when it becomes worth your time and effort to start managing their investments. This is also a great solution for high net worth and affluent clients that are looking for lower fees.
Access on HUBLink

NPC DataGuard
NPC (No Panic Computing) provides you with computing solutions, improved productivity, security, and support, which combine perfectly with Microsoft Office 365 to provide a more secure and complete computing experience with the added benefits of fully managed and supported devices. Protect yourself from ransomware and other cyber-attacks.
Access on HUBLink
North Shore Digital
North Shore Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency who specialize in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google Ads in the financial services industry. As a financial services marketing agency, North Shore Digital has run campaigns for wealth management, life insurance, health benefits, and other insurance companies.
Access on HUBLink

HUB Capital Hootsuite Amplify Social Media Library
This exclusive offer for HUB Capital Advisors provides you with access to a Hootsuite Amplify account, paid for by HUB, so you can easily use social media for HUB Capital purposes and growing your business. This pre-approved content can be posted directly to any social media platform with the click of a button.
Access on HUBLink
Compliance Centre
These tools will help you stay compliant with regulatory requirements in the insurance and investment industry.

Client File Tools - Insurance
These documents and templates will simplify your ability to stay compliant as well as keep you up to date with any changes or updates your client files may require.
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Client File Tools - Investments
These documents and templates will simplify your ability to stay compliant as well as keep you up to date with any changes or updates your client files may require.
Access on HUBLink

Advisor Disclosure
It is the advisor’s responsibility to provide a disclosure document to every client or prospect prior to the signing of an application. These resources will provide you with the correct material and approach in providing disclosure.
Access on HUBLink
Client Consent
When collecting information from clients and prospects, advisors must be prepared to explain the purposes for which they are collecting this information. These resources will help you record the authorization and consent from your clients.
Access on HUBLink

Needs-Based Selling
HUB advisors are required to ensure that their recommended product or services are appropriate. The needs of the client are determined by a needs-based assessment done by the advisor and/or identified by the client’s information. These resources will help highlight that your sales practices are consistent with the requirement that your recommendations fit your client’s needs.
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Policy Replacement
This guide will breakdown the details behind a policy replacement as well as provides you with resources to help implement a policy replacement.
Access on HUBLink

"Reasons Why" Letter
A “Reasons Why” letter is a summary of the client’s stated wishes, the advice provided to the client by the advisor, and a summary of why the product meets the client’s needs. These templates and samples will help you create your own letter to send to your clients.
Access on HUBLink
Privacy Program
Every advisor must live up to their responsibilities under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). These guides and resources outline your responsibilities under the act.
Access on HUBLink

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Anti-Terrorist Financing (ATF)
Every advisor must ensure they are aware of and comply with their obligations under the AML Regulations. These resources provide you with what you need to know about Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Anti-Terrorist Financing (ATF) in order to stay up-to-date and prepared in the event you are audited by FINTRAC.
Access on HUBLink
Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) & National Do Not Call List (DNCL)
Every advisor must ensure that they are aware of and comply with rules and obligations under Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation and the National Do Not Call List. This tool provides you with the guidelines needed to adhere by both initiatives.
Access on HUBLink

HUB Capital Mutual Fund Dealership

In this competitive industry, the advantage you hold as an independent advisor is the uniqueness of your practice. HUB Capital is where independent Advisors grow their businesses and have the freedom to choose the mutual fund solutions that best suit their clients’ needs. We give you the ability to consolidate your insurance and mutual fund business under one roof allowing you to streamline your business and focus on growing it. Advisors choose HUB Capital because we provide multiple tools, resources and support that you need to succeed in achieving your goals.
Learn about HUB Capital Inc.Math Lab
These calculators will assist your clients in planning their next financial moves as well as paint a picture of their overall finances for the future

Financial Planning
Calculators to help your clients get an understanding of their overall financial picture.
Calculators include
- Cash Flow
- Mortgage Loan/Payment
- Net Worth
Access on HUBLink
Retirement Planning
Calculators to help paint a picture of how much money your clients will receive when they retire and how secure their financial future is.
Calculators include:
- Retirement Calculator
- How Long Will the Money Last
- RRIF Payment
- LIF Payment
- RRSP Tax Saving
Access on HUBLink

Calculators to forecast how your client’s money will grow and what they need to do to reach their financial goals.
Calculators include:
- Savings Growth
- Savings to Reach a Goal
Access on HUBLink
Calculators to determine the amount of Insurance coverage needed to protect your clients.
Calculators include:
- Life Needs Analysis
- CI Needs Analysis
- DI Needs Analysis
Access on HUBLink

Education Planning
A calculator to showcase how saving for education can help your client’s in the long run.
Calculators include:
- RESP Tax Saving
Access on HUBLink