How does FlexSave work?
How does FlexSave work?
Medical Practitioners
Massage Therapist
Speech Therapist
Dental Treatments
Dental Cleaning
Gum Treatment
Oral Surgery
Root Canal
Medicine and Medical Treatments
Birth Control Pills
Blood Tests
Contact Lenses
Fertility Drugs
Guide Dog
Hearing Aids
Insulin Treatment
Lab Tests
Laser Eye Surgery
Metabolism Tests
Post-natal Care
Pre-natal Care
Prescription drugs
Private hospital room
Radium Therapy
Spinal Fluid test
Other Expenditures
Artificial eye
Artificial limbs
Bathroom aids*
Cat Scan
Diabetic supplies
Diagnostic Fees
Eye Glasses
Hearing impaired equipment
Heart monitor*
Kidney machine
Needle & Syringe*
Oxygen Equipment
Transportation relative to healthcare
Walking aid
*Requires prescription
1. Travel Medical1
If you and/or your covered dependents require medical or surgical treatment outside your own province of residence, this policy will pay certain covered expenses to a maximum of $2,000,000.
There is no deductible associated with this component; however, coverage is limited to a maximum trip length of 60 days.
2. In-Province Catastrophic1
If you and/or your covered dependents require medical or surgical treatment due to injury, sickness or disease in your province of residence, this plan will then pay for the following covered expenses after an annual deductible of $1,500 per person per category is satisfied.
The plan will then cover up to $25,000 per category expense up to a combined maximum of $125,000 annually subject to a total lifetime maximum of $250,000.
The expense categories are:
a) Semi private hospital room and board
b) Private nursing (ordered or prescribed by a Physician
c) Prescription drugs, sera and vaccines
d) Ambulance (including air)
e) Services of specific licensed practitioners
f) Rental of durable medical equipment
g) Accidental Dental coverage
Available Plan Versions | Pre-Existing Condition Clause |
Coverage to age 70 | Travel Coverage: No Catastrophic Coverage: 6 months* |
Coverage to age 70-75 Available for new clients or upon existing insured reaching age 70 |
Travel Coverage: 6 months Catastrophic Coverage: 6 months |
Stop Loss to Age 70 Rates2 | Stop Loss Age 70-75 Product Rates2 | ||
Plan Type | Monthly | Plan Type | Monthly |
Single | $14.36 | Single | $27.60 |
Couple | $27.47 | Couple | $51.87 |
Family | $35.00 | Family | $59.27 |
1. Please refer to the policy contract for full details on benefits and restrictions.
2. Rates are subject to change with notice
* The 6 month pre-existing condition clause does not apply to the Coverage to Age 70 plan when there are 10 or more employees enrolled in the plan.
• Enhance and maintain personal health and wellness
• Pay for expenses not on eligible expense list, or those removed from list by CRA
• Pay for expenses above main plan limits
Wellness Account Categories
Adding a Wellness Plan expands the expense categories in the plan to include things like:
• Health and wellbeing – i.e. naturopath, smoking cessation
• Fitness activities – i.e. gym membership
• Fitness equipment
• Family care/child care
• Professional services i.e. health assessments/health care
Taxation of Wellness Benefits
Wellness reimbursements to an employee are considered a taxable benefit to that employee. As such employers must provide totals on the employee T4.
Wellness Account Reporting
In order to provide employers with the information necessary to report a taxable benefit on their employee T4, HUB Financial will provide an annual report of all Wellness claims paid for employees. This report will be automatically generated at the end of each calendar year.
HST of 13% required on the 10% administration fee
PST of 8% required on claim amount
Premium tax of 2% on claim amount and administration fee
British Columbia
GST of 5% required on the 10% administration fee
Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan
GST of 5% required on the 10% administration fee
Atlantic provinces
HST of 15% required on 10% administration fee
Pre-funded Account
An employer may choose to deposit a lump sum amount into their HUB FlexSave™ account at the beginning of each year or set up a pre-authorized monthly withdrawal/deposit into the account. Amounts for pre-funding should be based on the predetermined maximum being provided to employees. Pre-funding the FlexSave™ account allows HUB to withdraw funds for each claim submitted plus the 10% administration cost and any applicable taxes.To establish a pre-authorized deposit for payment of claims, the Monthly Trust Deposit Form must be completed. Lump sums may be also deposited by one-time direct bank withdrawal, internet banking, or cheque.
Pay As You Go
With each claim submitted by an employee, HUB will invoice the employer for adequate funds to reimburse the employee and cover our administration fee (10%) plus applicable taxes. Once payment is received from the employer, HUB will reimburse the employee claimed medical expense. You may pay HUB Financial by cheque or internet banking for this option.When Your Account Needs Funding
HUB Financial will inform you when funds are needed to pay a pending claim. You may pay any outstanding claim amount by one-time direct bank withdrawal, internet banking, or cheque.
How to Deposit Funds into a FlexSave™ Account
There are several methods of depositing funds in to the FlexSave™ Account for payment of current or future claims. Claims can be funded by:
1. Regularly scheduled monthly contribution – pre-authorized deposits may be established using the Monthly Trust Deposit Form to automatically deposit funds into the account.
2. Periodic deposit through internet banking – employers have the ability to transfer funds into their FlexSave™ plan when banking online through their financial institution. We are set up with all major Canadian banks and most credit unions. Simply add HUB FINANCIAL Inc. as a payee on your account and deposit directly into your plan when funds are needed.
3. Mail a cheque to HUB Financial:
Attention: FlexSave 3700 Steeles Avenue West, 10th floor Woodbridge, ON L4L 8M9
4. One-time Payment Withdrawal
You are now able to request a one-time withdrawal from your corporate bank account in order to fund claims payments.
Funding Options | Regular Monthly | Internet Banking | Cheque | One-Time Withdrawal |
Pre-funded Account | x | x | x | x |
Pay As You Go | x | x | x | |
Funds Required for Claim | x | x | x |
See answers to frequently asked questions about FlexSave
FlexSave Employer Application
Complete one application form (link above) and one set up fee payment form:
Set up Fee Payment - credit card
Set up Fee Payment - Pre-Authorized Debit request -
Employee Enrollment
One enrollment form required for each employee to be enrolled including the business owner.
Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement – (Optional)
Complete and submit where a regular monthly deposit to the FlexSave account or a one time ad hoc deposit for funding is being requested
Additional Coverage Payment (Monthly PAD) – (Optional)
To be completed where Stop Loss is being offered and paid for by the business
Additional Coverage Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement (Monthly PAD)
Complete to change/establish the bank account for Additional Coverage Premium deductions
Stop Loss Employee Enrollment
To add new Stop Loss/Additional Coverage for an existing employee
EFT Claim Reimbursement Request
To change the employee bank account where claims payments will be deposited.
Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement
Complete and submit where a regular monthly deposit to the FlexSave account is to be implemented or to request a one-time ad hoc deposit for funding
Employee/Company Changes
To make changes to company or employee FlexSave records
Employee Termination
Complete this form to remove an employee from the FlexSave plan
Wellness Plan Application
For existing FlexSave clients to add Wellness/LifeStyle (taxable) benefits to their account
FlexSave Employer Application Complete one application form (link above) and one set up fee payment form:
Set up Fee Payment - credit card
Set up Fee Payment - Pre-Authorized Debit request - Employee Enrollment One enrollment form required for each employee to be enrolled including the business owner.
- Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement – (Optional) Complete and submit where a regular monthly deposit to the FlexSave account or a one time ad hoc deposit for funding is being requested
- Additional Coverage Payment (Monthly PAD) – (Optional) To be completed where Stop Loss is being offered and paid for by the business
Additional Coverage Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement (Monthly PAD) Complete to change/establish the bank account for Additional Coverage Premium deductions
Stop Loss Employee Enrollment To add new Stop Loss/Additional Coverage for an existing employee
- EFT Claim Reimbursement Request To change the employee bank account where claims payments will be deposited.
- Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement Complete and submit where a regular monthly deposit to the FlexSave account is to be implemented or to request a one-time ad hoc deposit for funding
- Employee/Company Changes To make changes to company or employee FlexSave records
- Employee Termination Complete this form to remove an employee from the FlexSave plan
- Wellness Plan Application For existing FlexSave clients to add Wellness/LifeStyle (taxable) benefits to their account